Tonight I followed the tutorials I found online to make Sam bendable. I had done this last year as well, but used a "no sew" method that wasn't very effective. The tutorial I found was quite easy, but time consuming. Perhaps someone with a little more sewing skill would be able to do it faster. Either way, about an hour worth of work and Sam is now able to strike a pose without the use of tape, string, or rubber bands - very useful!
FYI - I also started on Ginger, but the newer scouts (or at least this girl one) have sewn in "joints" and that seems to make it more difficult to add the wire, so I'll have to finish her up tonight.
Items Needed to Make Your Elf Bendable
- White Velcro
- 16 gauge wire (found at Hobby Lobby in the bead aisle)
- Magnets
- Needle
- White and red thread
- Scissors
- Pliers or wire cutters
- Glue Gun
- Stitch ripper
Step 1: Snip the thread connecting the hands. Then, gently rip a few stitches from the end of your Elf’s hands, enough to fit the wire. This was pretty easy and I didn't have any issues. Also, start heating your glue gun for the Velcro in Step 5.
Step 2: Measure the wire to the size of his arm, adding about an inch so you can curl the wire ends over so it doesn't poke through. Then measure another piece of equally sized wire and wind them together. This makes him/her stronger.
Step 3: Fold the ends of the wire to the exact length of the arms, and insert the wire into your Elf’s arm. Be sure to get it all the way to the end. There are circular tubes in the arm…try to get the wire to go through them. It is tricky, but manageable. Now you're him up!
Step 4: Repeat steps 1-3 with other arm & then the legs.
Step 5: Next, you will add Velcro to the bottom sides of your Elf’s hands. First, cut the pieces to size and use your glue gun to secure the Velcro on both hands. This will make the elf easier to hang on things, just be sure to use the different sides of Velcro so they stick.
Accessories: Get your magnets ready and cut Velcro to size. Again, be sure to use opposite types of Velcro. Also, ensure you are not using the sides of the magnets that stick together. I love the magnet option, because now he can hang out on the refrigerator, but the magnets are still removable.